發布時間:2022-04-18 11:26:14來源:魔方格
Lausanne Conference 洛桑會議
swiss lausanne 瑞士洛桑
hisami Lausanne 洛桑久美
LAUSANNE names 人名洛桑
EPFL Lausanne 洛桑理工學院 ; 洛桑聯邦理工學院
EPF Lausanne 洛桑聯邦理工學院 ; 洛桑理工學院
Hostal Lausanne 洛桑酒店
By plane and train I made my way to the lakeside town of Morges, near Lausanne, while Galaxy freewheeled down from his lair to meet me.我乘飛機換火車來到洛桑附近的湖邊小鎮莫爾日,蓋勒柯斯從他的巢穴輕松騎車來會我。
Mr Schulz says it was, essentially, a return to the conditions in the 1932 Lausanne agreement, and a reduced amount of payments was reactivated.舒爾茨先生說,這從本質上又回到了1932年洛桑會議時的那種情況,并且減掉的那部分債務再次生效了。
He says systems like those being developed in Lausanne and other places may be available in less than ten years.他表示,洛桑或其他地方開發的類似系統可能會在十年內投入使用。
The cities of Basel and Lausanne are also important manufacturing centres.
C.On Tuesday at I.O.C. headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, a compromise was reached.