發布時間:2022-04-25 16:43:11來源:魔方格
n. 電纜;海底電報
vt. 打電報
vi. 打海底電報
n. cable length,cable television,cablegram,line
v. telegraph,wire
Yes, there's only two cables, the throttle cable and the the brake cable.
當然了 就兩根線 油門線和 剎車線
When they went to check, the listening device had already been pulled down into the ground, so over the next three days there was about 30 feet of cable that was draped out of the window and on the ground, and we watched that 30 feet of cable reduce down to about sixtoeight feet of cable.
等他們去查看時 收聽設備已經 被拖到地底去了 所以接下來三天 當時有大概九米長纜線 拖在窗外和地面上 我們看著那九米長的纜線縮減到 大概一兩米長
A fibreoptic cable signal is a beam of light travelling down a cable made from glass.
光纖信號就是一束光 這束光穿過了玻璃做的線纜
Only the brake cable and the throttle cable look a lot alike, which is a design flaw.
只怪剎車線和油門線太像 這是設計缺陷
We've got one guy pinned by the cable drum and his brother pinned down by the same cable at the other end of the crane.
有個人卡在鋼纜絞盤里了 他的弟弟也被那條鋼纜 纏在了塔吊另一端
As the turbine turns, the cable wraps around it, but we'll need at least five feet of cable to wrap around the winch.
隨著渦輪轉動 就能卷起纜繩 但至少需要 一米五長的纜繩才能環繞絞纜機
The charges were all over the cable bill.
And that's why I'm so valuable to cable audiences.
The location of such cables is mapped.
I turn on cable, and boom, there we are.
打開有線電視 新聞還在播