2023-09-26 10:22:36來源:魔方格
1. The pear had bruises of dark spots.
2. The pears will sweeten as they ripen.
3. The branches of the pear tree were borne down with the weight of the fruit.
4. The pears are badly specked.
5. A few pears remain on the trees.
6. These pears do not cook well.
7. Pears grow on the cool mountain slopes.
8. The pear tree in the yard bore a great many pears last year.
9. As a matter of fact, I"m primarily interested in canned pears.
事實上, 我主要是對罐裝梨子感興趣.
10. To know the taste of a pear, have to taste a pear.
要想知到梨子的滋味, 就要親口嘗一嘗.
11. Morley: Like pears and peaches and cabbages? Sounds perfect.
莫理: 像梨子、水蜜桃跟高麗菜 嗎 ?聽起來很棒.
12. She swears to wear the pearls that appear to pears.
13. She swears to wear the pearls that appear to be pears.
14. So are many fruits, such as melons, apples, grapes and pears.
因此這里有許多的水果.比如,各種的瓜, 蘋果, 葡萄,和梨子.
15. There are in the basket some pears which you can eat.
1. 我喜歡吃水果,比如蘋果、梨子、香蕉等等。
I like fruits, such as apples, pears, bananas ...
2. 梨子生長在涼爽的山坡上。
Pears grow on the cool mountain slopes.
3. 她發(fā)誓要帶那些看起來象梨子一樣的珍珠。
She swears to wear the pearls that appear to be pear.
4. 這個梨子的果心腐爛了。
This pear is rotten at the core.
5. 孩子們正在吃梨子。
The children are eating pears.
6. 翻譯據(jù)說梨子可以減肥。
It is said that pear can perform a function of losing weight.
7. 蘇珊發(fā)誓要戴那些好象梨子一樣的珍珠.
Siusan swears to wear the pearls that appear to be pears.
8. 地球是梨子形狀的。
The earth is the shape of a pear.
9. 我們整個晚上都在下西洋棋,吃梨子和花生。
We played checkers and ate pear and peanuts all night.