2023-10-17 15:26:15來源:魔方格
英語口語居然被人翻譯成四川話... ...
1.Are you kidding me?你豁老子哦?
3.Long time no see.死哪兒切 了喃?那么久沒qio到你了。
5.Don"t worry。虛啥子啊虛。
6.What do you want?你要爪子嘛?
7.I can not hold no longer.老子遭不住了。
9.She"s my girlfriend;wife.她是我老妞兒。
10.You are welcome.莫來頭;說這些。
11.That"s awesome.簡直巴適的板。
12.I have no idea.曉求不得。
13.A little.就那么滴滴兒。
14.I am sure.我呸死了。打包票。
15.What happened?啥子情況啥子情況?
16.It doesn"t make sense. 球名堂莫得。
17.It"s none of your business.管你娃球事啊?
18.What a hell? 浪么子搞起在勒。
19.Are you sure.兒豁??
20.Are u out of ur mind?你吃醉了所?
21.Rock paper scissors. 石千兒 。
22.I dont care.管我屁事啊。
23.Kick your ass. 給你娃兒兩腳頭哦。
24.Dark black。黢嘛黑 。
25.See you.空了吹。
26.Let"s go.撤飄。
27.Shut up.鬧啥子。
29.You wanna piece of me.老子給你打燃火。
31.I got no money.老子分兒都 不分兒了
繩子還是公牛? Rope or Ox?
The man in the prison asked a new comer why he was sent there. The new comer answered: "I am out of luck, I think. A few days ago I was walking in the street when I saw a piece of dirty rope. I thought nobody wanted it and so I picked it up and took it home."
"But it is not against the law to pick up a piece of rope and take home!"
"I told you I had bad luck, didn"t I?" the man sighed, "The trouble is that I didn"t notice there was an ox at the other end of that rope."
你爸爸幫你了嗎? Did your dad help you?One day, Tim"s mathematics teacher looked at his homework and saw that he had got all his sums right. The teacher was very pleased-and rather surprised. He called Tim to his desk and said to him, "You got all your homework right this time, Tim. What happened? Did your father help you?"
"No, sir. He was too busy last night, so I had to do it all myself," said Tim.
謹遵醫囑 Doctor"s Orders
Brown: I"m sorry to see you so unwell. Have you seen the doctor?
Jack: Yes. I"m having three baths a day.
Brown: What for?
Jack: Don"t know, doctor"s orders. He gave me some medicine and told me to follow the directions on the bottle, which read:" One tablespoonful to be taken three times a day in water."
布朗:為什么? 杰克:我也不知道,這是醫生的囑咐。他給了我一些藥并告訴我要按照藥瓶上的說明去做。說明上面寫著“一天三次在水中服一湯匙。”
Heart Transplant 心臟移植
A man needing a heart transplant is told by hisdoctor that the only heart available is that of asheep .
The man finally agrees and the doctor transplants the sheep heart into the man.
A few days after the operation,the man comes in for a checkup.
The doctor asks him "How are you feeling?"
The man replies"Not B-A-A-A-A-D!"