2023-06-27 14:22:11來源:魔方格
The president is paying a private visit to his neighboring country.
總統正在對鄰國作非官方的訪問。Salesmen of unofficial souvenirs have also been doing a roaring trade.
出售非官方紀念品的推銷員的生意也很紅火。But the NMSP could not accept such an unofficial offer.
但新孟邦黨不能接受這樣一個非官方提議。 International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
與ISO保持聯系的各國際官方的或非官方組織也可以參加.The union has warned all their shop stewards not to take part in unofficial strikes.
工聯已警告他們所有的店員不要參加非官方組織的罷工。No one knows how big the unofficial financial system is, but it is large.
adj. 非官方的;非正式的
unofficial suite
非公務隨從 But the NMSP could not accept such an unofficial offer.
但新孟邦黨不能接受這樣一個非官方提議。 The union has warned all their shop stewards not to take part in unofficial strikes.
工聯已警告他們所有的店員不要參加非官方組織的罷工。No one knows how big the unofficial financial system is, but it is large.
誰都不知道這非官方金融系統到底有多大,但是它確實很大。 This gives the blobfish the unofficial title of world"s ugliest animal.